Best Cat and Dog Shirts

Best Cat and Dog Shirts

We all love our little fuzzy friends, and whether you're more partial to cats, or to dogs, you know you can't resist a t-shirt with their cute little faces on it. So we made a list of our favorite shirts highlighting cats and dogs :) enjoy.

Pusheen Pizza Box - Hot Topic

This quirky little cat has all sorts of adventures, including this hella relatable one into a pizza box

Cataholic - Polly & Crackers

Everyone knows cats are prone to get into things they shouldn't...

Cataclysm - The Mountain

Space! Cats! Danger! Adventure! Love! Heartbreak! This tee has it all

Naughty Puss - Polly & Crackers

You know that thing? That cats do? And you'd just wish that they'd stop?

Blunt Kitty - Polly & Crackers

Always up to no good

Cat Dad - Shred My Couch

The only time it's acceptable to say dad instead of daddy


Cat Ass - Polly & Crackers

Front & back wrap around print

Dachshund Pup Star - Doggie T-Shirts

Come on, we all know what this is a reference to. Truly iconic

Drink Wine, Rescue Dogs - I Heart Dogs

Being a hero is it's own reward... but we'll still take the wine

No Babies Just Puppies - Polly & Crackers

Kids? No no we said we wanted something CUTE...

Pugkin Spice Latte - Animal Hearted

"I mean yeah it may be basic but its good okay" - some white girl

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