Best Cat and Dog Shirts
We all love our little fuzzy friends, and whether you're more partial to cats, or to dogs, you know you can't resist a t-shirt with their cute little faces on it. So we made a list of our favorite shirts highlighting cats and dogs :) enjoy.
Pusheen Pizza Box - Hot Topic
This quirky little cat has all sorts of adventures, including this hella relatable one into a pizza box
Cataholic - Polly & Crackers
Everyone knows cats are prone to get into things they shouldn't...
Cataclysm - The Mountain
Space! Cats! Danger! Adventure! Love! Heartbreak! This tee has it all
Naughty Puss - Polly & Crackers
You know that thing? That cats do? And you'd just wish that they'd stop?
Blunt Kitty - Polly & Crackers
Always up to no good
Cat Dad - Shred My Couch
The only time it's acceptable to say dad instead of daddy
Cat Ass - Polly & Crackers
Front & back wrap around print
Dachshund Pup Star - Doggie T-Shirts
Come on, we all know what this is a reference to. Truly iconic
Drink Wine, Rescue Dogs - I Heart Dogs
Being a hero is it's own reward... but we'll still take the wine
No Babies Just Puppies - Polly & Crackers
Kids? No no we said we wanted something CUTE...
Pugkin Spice Latte - Animal Hearted
"I mean yeah it may be basic but its good okay" - some white girl