New Hangtags!

donations hangtags new poem

The new hangtags are out and Jon Benet is still alive, posing as Katy Perry! We take a lot of pride in making our brand one of a kind, and part of that is having fun and original hangtags. Check it:

Mystery solved, paired with a poem- designed to leave you feeling titillated and in question:

She's insatiable

An enigma on the loose.

She's you in the 

Uber after the pnp party.

"I never party" she say...

but u know she does.

She always parties.

When she's not partying,

She's partying

The double entendre...

She is

& she knows..

Stress & cigs are trashy..

But she's still on the loose..

Craving amphetamine salts.

Will she ever learn?

~ Katy Jon

The second hangtag let's you in on the secret to happiness... peace & love. 10% of Polly's profits are donated to various causes. You can check out just where these donations go by visiting our donations page!

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