News — cats
Best Cat and Dog Shirts
animal tees cat lovers cat shirts cats cute dog lovers dog shirts dogs kittens puppies

We all love our little fuzzy friends, and whether you're more partial to cats, or to dogs, you know you can't resist a t-shirt with their cute little faces on it. So we made a list of our favorite shirts highlighting cats and dogs :) enjoy. Pusheen Pizza Box - Hot Topic This quirky little cat has all sorts of adventures, including this hella relatable one into a pizza box Cataholic - Polly & Crackers Everyone knows cats are prone to get into things they shouldn't... Cataclysm - The Mountain Space! Cats! Danger! Adventure! Love! Heartbreak! This tee has it...
Funny Cat Shirts

Cats are ridiculous and cat tees and tanks are IN. Here are some of our favorite cat shirts by Polly & Crackers as well as our favorite designers! 'Cataholic' by Polly & Crackers Tipsy cat drinking out of a beer bottle. This is actually our shop cat :) He likes beer, wine, and whiskey. 'Titanic Cat Shirt' by Rage On This cat shirt is absolutely ridiculous yet amazing. The most. 'Naughty Puss' by Polly & Crackers Funny censored cat shirt on an off-white tee 'Cat Explosion' by Rage On Obnoxious yet amazing cat shirt of a cat escaping a battle zone. 'Blunt Kitty' by Polly & Crackers...